Sunday, September 20, 2015

Wikipedia –Read random article within a category

Since its creation in 2001, Wikipedia has grown enormously into one of the largest reference websites, with more than 70,000 active contributors working on more than 35,000,000 articles in 290 languages.

Most of us generally use our favorite search engine or Wikipedia's in-built search functionality to find and read articles. A lesser known (or used) feature of Wikipedia is available on the left navigation menu beside any article known as random article (shown below).

The link uses a special address to retrieve a random article:
(bookmark it in your favorite browser before browsing the link)

With millions of articles in the repository, this is an addictive way of reading about random stuffs on Wikipedia.

However, if you are more interested in a filtered subset of articles, say, based on categories, Wikipedia has a special link for category wise randomized article too.

For eg. the following will give you a random article under Physics category:

For Computers related articles:

For the list of categories, check this link.

Be warned, this is an addictive tip, that could keep you engrossed for hours on Wikipedia :)

Happy reading!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Syncfusion announces free toolkit for individual developers and small companies

The .NET eco-system is undergoing some exciting changes making it a great time to be a .NET developer. With Microsoft offering its flagship IDE to individual developers for free through the Visual Studio Community Edition, and embracing larger community through open-source of core library, it is now Syncfusion which has jumped on to become the default toolset for possibly millions of developers across platforms.

Image courtesy: Syncfusion
The community edition which is free for individual developers and small companies includes around 650+ controls across various platforms, with full support and updates that is expected from a professional edition (valued at $9,975).

Syncfusion Community Edition product list
Image courtesy: Syncfusion
You can claim your free license by heading on to the Community edition page at Syncfusion here.

Happy Coding!